Thursday, February 24, 2011


Last night, 19,763 sports fans paying hundreds to thousands of dollars for tickets jammed Madison Square Garden to welcome all-star Carmelo Anthony as a new member of the New York Knicks basketball team. The Knicks won.

Also last night, a few hundred students (paying nothing) attended the Caltech-Occidental basketball game at Caltech’s Braun Athletic Center. Caltech won.
A conference win! Caltech 46, Occidental 45

Caltech’s victory came despite the fact that President Obama attended Occidental for a couple of years, and he probably picked them to beat Caltech. But he had no more prescience in this game’s outcome than he did in picking the Bears to win the Super Bowl. Caltech still won.

There are some who think that the Knicks game was more worthy of national attention than was the Caltech game. Indeed, judging by the comparative press coverage (about 1,000 to 1 in the Knicks's favor), attendance (about 100 to 1), and ticket prices (infinite ratio), the Knicks seem to hold the zeitgeist edge.

But judging by historical implications, it’s Caltech all the way. For the first time in the last 26 years, Caltech won a conference basketball game. A record 310-game losing streak – longest ever in the United States by any sports team – was broken. Like so many of its achievements in science and technology, Caltech accomplished something that no one else in history has ever been able to do.

Havoc broke out in Pasadena. Nobel laureates raised toasts to the winning athletes. Students interrupted their problem sets to cheer a sports team. Even The New York Times featured Caltech, not in the Science section, but on the second page of the Sports section. This indeed was a Big Event.

Yet somehow, during these 26 years in athletic purgatory, Caltech still seemed to function. Heads didn’t roll. Presidents kept their jobs. Coaches weren’t fired. Scientific breakthroughs kept being made. Nobel prizes continued to be won. Incoming student SATs remained the highest in the nation. And every year it was ranked a top-10 university. Indeed, midway during The Losing Streak, U.S. News in 1999 awarded tiny Caltech academic hegemony over some other pretty highly regarded and far larger schools:

1.  California Institute of Technology 

2.  Harvard University 

3.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4.  Princeton University
5.  Yale University

6.  Stanford University 

7.  Duke University
8.  Johns Hopkins University
9.  University of Pennsylvania 

10. Columbia University

This raises a momentous question: Can it be possible that Vince Lombardi was wrong? Vince Lombardi wrong? Remember, he’s the über-successful coach for whom the Super Bowl trophy is named. He’s the coach who’s currently being memorialized by an eponymous Broadway play. And he’s the coach best remembered for popularizing:

“Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.”

(Despite that saying’s enduring fame, it strikes me as a really dumb credo. But I digress.)

So here's my question: Is winning the only thing? If so, Caltech should have been completely embarrassed over the last 26 years. The school should have buried its collective head in shame. Losers, losers, losers.

But Caltech hasn’t been a loser. To the contrary, some consider it an American treasure. A small school (just over 900 undergrads) with an oversize reputation for academic and research achievement. A school where a surprisingly high percentage of the students engage in intercollegiate athletics, and for fun. Where there are no athletic scholarships. Where the institutional culture subscribes not to the Lombardi-esque philosophy, but rather to that hoary value that some of us were taught as youths, “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.”

So team, enjoy your victory. But remember, keep having fun.

Ben Rosen, Caltech, ’54


  1. Ben, how 'bout intercollegiate archery?

    Allan Wikman, Columbia College '54
    Heritage Hills "GOLF" '88-'89

  2. Alan, I may consider archery for a future blog post, but don't hold your breath. Nice hearing from you after all these years.


  3. Ben, I recently viewed an HBO special covering the life of VL. Having grown up in the Washington, DC suburbs, We had our share of the coach when he led the Redskins in the late 1960's. I also felt his view that "winning isn't everything. It's the only thing" gave little credit to those who give it their all without crossing the finish line first. Alas, Vince himself reveals in this HBO retrospective that he regretted ever having said those words. To paraphrase: that the journey, or struggle, was far too important and worthwhile in the end. Victory can only sweeten the hard fought battle.
    Great blog. Thanks for sharing.

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    The whole manner is accomplished in a problem free manner. The consumer solely has the last function in selection.
    We lift out all different formalities earlier than joining.
    We additionally take the evaluation of the smooth talent of the candidates.
    When a individual is chosen however has some deficiency in the smooth ability set, we will organize for the education periods for improvement of these skills.

    Our it recruitment organization close to you have a massive community with software program experts that are working in the extraordinary industries.

    We stick to the agreed time schedules of the recruitment procedure.
    If the job applicant is clearly efficient, we help him to discover a appropriate job with a guarantee.
    Presently we are supplying IT Manpower Recruitment Services for following Countries:

    Recruitment for Angola
    Recruitment for Qatar
    Recruitment for Mexico
    Recruitment for Tobago
    Recruitment for Chile
    Recruitment for Argentina
    Recruitment for UAE
    Recruitment for Djibouti
    Recruitment for Kazakhstan
    Recruitment for USA
    Recruitment in South Africa
    Recruitment for Middle East
    Recruitment for Venezuela
    Recruitment for Trinidad
    Recruitment for Brazil
    Recruitment for Peru
    Recruitment for Russia
    Recruitment for Tanzania
    Recruitment for Algeria
    Recruitment for Canada
    Recruitment for UK
    Recruitment in Singapore
    A dynamic provider is essential

    The subject of Information Technology is a dynamic one. It turns into pretty tough to preserve a song log the updating that is taking place. IT jobs are usually excessive paying as a excessive diploma of understanding is required in this field, Top type IT specialists earn good-looking salaries. Newer avenues opens up in the front of a expert as he improvements his skills. There is a pull element of a job providing higher salaries are continually there. We attempt to serve the great amongst all these challenges to each the candidates and the clients.

    Read: Do’s & Don’t When Recruiting IT Professionals

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. Which is the great IT recruitment organization in India?

    A. If you are searching for a honest IT Recruitment Consultants in India , Kalpsolutions Recruitment Agency is one of the first-class IT recruitment organization in India. We serve as an prolonged arm of your employer and guarantee excellence in recruitment technique management. We have a exceptional recruitment process, precise set of competencies that will be useful in boosting your business. Our recruitment enterprise is an specialist in providing seamless recruitment procedures for various industries.

    Q. Which is the great IT recruitment business enterprise in Dubai?

    A. If you require the provider of a recruitment advisor in Dubai, Kalpsolutions Recruitment Agency is right here to meet your requirements. Our IT recruitment organization dubai is one of the main consultants and provides the fantastic recruiting provider in dubai. Our IT recruitment corporation has a crew of distinctly knowledgeable authorities who can apprehend all the wants of the companies. We supply you assurance to get the first-rate manpower recruitment from our side.

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